The website and products are registered, owned and operated by Aggregato Australia.

All Together Phonecard

Please click here for Critical Information Summary.

Your total call charge will be based on the length of your call multiplied by the applicable per minute rate + the applicable fees & charges in the terms and conditions.

In addition, other fees may apply to maintain the card, as set out in the terms and conditions.

Bangladesh Chittagong8803100:00:00-23:59:590.0590 
Bangladesh Dhaka880200:00:00-23:59:590.0590 
Bangladesh Mobile880100:00:00-23:59:590.0590 

* Terms and Conditions

  • Rates are quoted per minute and are GST inclusive.
  • Rates and fees are subject to international carrier rates and may change without notice.
  • Service fee of $0.1500 charged on the day of first used and every 1 day/s thereafter.
  • Calls charged in 5 minute/s blocks with a minimum charge of 2 minute/s.
  • A disconnection fee of $0.39 applies for call greater than 5 minute/s.
  • Final charges rounded up to the nearest 10 cents.
  • Rates are determined at the start time of the calls.
  • Surcharges apply and are dependant on the length of calls as total call duration equal to or greater than 2 minute/s surcharge $0.2000 applies, and total call duration equal to or greater than 20 minute/s surcharge $0.3000 applies, and total call duration equal to or greater than 30 minute/s surcharge $0.4000 applies; (Surcharges is deducted at the end of the call therefore it is excluded once your call credit is exhausted i.e no negative balance).
  • Higher charges apply to operator assisted calls, calls to satellite phones and calls to special or premium services.
  • Calls to 1300 access numbers incur an additional 12 cents per minute surcharge.
  • Calls to 1800 access number incur an additional 18 cents per minute surcharge.
  • Calls may be blocked to satellite phones, fax service, special or premium services and if call credit is not sufficient for minimum purchase.
  • Local or mobile phone charges will apply and are billed by your phone carrier (including calls to our Customer Care Service).
  • Credit expiry date is varies depends on value of pre-paid phone cards, please check the reverse side of your cards for expiry date otherwise contact our Customer Service Centre on 1300 736 900.
  • All other inquires on the product contact our Customer Service Centre on 1300 736 900.